About the Federal Reserve System
The Federal Reserve System is the central banking authority of
the United States . It is a fiscal agency
for the U.S. Government and custodian of the reserve accounts of commercial
banks; it makes loans to the commercial banks; and is authorized to issue
Federal Reserve notes — that is, the hand-to-hand currency with which we run
our daily economic lives.
Those commercial banks which are members of the "Fed" are
required by law to purchase stock in their district Federal Reserve banks in
order to supply them with a capital resource. These banks do not have .any
"control" over the Federal Reserve. Control is exercised only by a
Board of Governors, each member of which is a public servant appointed to his
or her position by the President of the United States and confirmed by the
U.S. Senate.
The Federal Reserve System: Purposes and Functions; a book published by the Fed’s Board of
Governors, states:
Each of the twelve Federal Reserve banks is a
corporation organized and operated for public service. The Federal Reserve
Banks differ essentially from privately managed banks in that profits are not’
the object of their operations, and their stockholders, which are the member
banks of the Federal Reserve System, do not have the powers and privileges that
customarily belong to stockholders of privately managed corporations.
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