Thursday, August 18, 2011

Iraqs Currency Conversion and Transfer Policies

2010 Investment Climate Statement - Iraq
Bureau of Economic, Energy and Business Affairs

March 2010

Currency Conversion and Transfer Policies

The currency of Iraq is the Dinar (IQD - sometimes referred to as the New Iraqi Dinar). The Iraqi authorities confirm that in practice there are no restrictions on current and capital transactions involving currency exchange as long as underlying transactions are supported by valid documentation. The International Monetary Fund’s annual publication on Exchange Arrangements and Restrictions states that: “Restrictions on capital transactions are not enforced; however, documentation and reporting requirements apply.” The National Investment Law contains provisions that, once implemented, would allow investors to bank and transfer capital inside or outside of Iraq.

The Government of Iraq’s monetary policy since 2003 has focused on maintaining price stability primarily by appreciating the IQD against the US dollar while seeking to maintain exchange rate predictability. Banks may engage in spot transactions in any currency, but are not allowed to engage in forward transactions in Iraqi Dinar for speculative purposes. There are no taxes or subsidies on purchases or sales of foreign exchange. Improved security has allowed for an increased supply of goods and services, which, along with the Central Bank’s monetary and exchange rate policies have continued to help temper inflation. The inflation rate has dropped from a high of 76.6 percent in August 2006 to -4.4 percent in December 2009 (negative due to decreased year-on-year oil, transportation, communication, clothing, and food prices).

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