Tuesday, October 29, 2013

The Iraqi Journal http://theiraqijournal.com/

Wanted to introduce to you all the The Iraqi Journal

The Iraq Journal.com is the best site for the news we are looking for by far, 90% of the information I get is looking it up on the TheIraqjournal.com

They have the highest quality articles, in the best format. Also they cover Current News, Iraq stock Exchange, The Central Bank of Iraq, Policies and Law. If you are serious about this investment and want the best quality information you can get, then use The Iraqi Journal.com  like I do, and get the latest and Current News that has to do with our Investments        


I mentioned this in  Mondays Audio, The Guys I look for on the http://www.theiraqidinardaily.blogspot.com/

are Lan, Hawk, Crow, Knight. also the articles and blurbs from heads of state in Iraq. it is a gold mine of quotes and blurbs from the very best, also very fun and addictive.